Practice is better together


Despite all my feelings about resolutions and the “New year, new you” narrative, there is something I find promising about the change of the Gregorian calendar – literal and proverbial turning of the page, an opportunity to let go and move forward.

I usually take the time between Christmas and New Year’s to turn inward and reflect on the year that has passed, as well as the year to come. For example, each year I choose a word to represent what I want the next year to represent. For 2020 I chose HOME, not realizing exactly what that would come to mean to me (and a lot of us)!

For 2021 my word is HEAL and I’m curious to witness the ways this theme unfolds for me. I am hopeful that a gradual return to togetherness might also heal some of the wider divides in the world. That we may begin to find a true sense of peace to replace the long held false peace that exists at the expense of truth and justice.

Wherever you are, and whatever you’ve been celebrating, may you be kind to yourself through all this shifting.

P.S. Through the latter half of December, I shared a holiday guide to community care featuring some of my favorite organizations, local services, and zero-waste products on Instagram. I’ve saved these to my profile highlights called 12 Days in case you’re looking for places to give back to and support as the holidays stretch into the new year.


Online retreats offer a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in intensive meditation practice from the comfort of your home, helping you seamlessly weave practice and home life together.

Winter Insight Meditation Retreat with Howie Cohn, Erin Treat, Dawn Scott, Ashley Sharp Wednesday January 6 - Saturday January 9

The Wisdom of the Heart with Devon Hase, Devin Berry, Craig Hase, Dalila Bothwell, Kaira Jewel Lingo
Sunday January 17 - Sunday January 23

Introduction to Insight Meditation
Saturday January 30 - Sunday January 31

Remembering: Coming Home to the Heart and Body with Gullu Singh, Tere Abdala-Romano, Asami Maartens
Monday February 1 - Sunday February 7

A large extent of my regular public offerings this winter will be my twice weekly Beditation (more on why in next month’s newsletter).

Beditation on Instagram Live
Tuesdays and Thursdays 7:30 AM ET
A 15-minute guided meditation from my bed to yours!


Refresh or restart your meditation practice with one my audio meditation programs below.

Disponible en français ici.


As a verb, dawn can mean "become clear" or “enter one's consciousness or emotions.” For example “It suddenly dawned on me that I was lost.”

It’s in this spirit that I share with you some of the things that help me get clear in various ways. May it be the same for you, too.

Pixar Movie Soul
Ever wonder where your passion, your dreams and your interests come from? What is it that makes you... YOU? Soul is a tear-jerking animated adventure that taps into some weighty themes. It instantly became one of my favorite animated movies, along with Inside Out, for what it tackles.

101 Ways to Live Sustainably
The urgency to rise to a global challenge like the climate crisis can often feel overwhelming, like nothing we can do as individuals will ever be enough. Yet even the biggest movements began with small, localized actions—which is what this list is made of. What are you waiting for? Start now.

The Awakening Joy Course
If we ever needed joy, I’d say it’s right about now. After the year we’ve had and more months of isolation and uncertainty on the horizon, embarking on a 5-month course based on colleague and friend James Baraz's book Awakening Joy might just be what you need. Registration is now open for registration.

Instagram profile Fern Cooke
UK-based multidisciplinary artist Fern Cooke creates captivating work that celebrates body positivity and gender inclusivity.

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Radically Resting: The story of a semi-sabbatical


Becoming a catalyst for change