Shedding, Processing, Nesting


I hope you’re easing into this season of grief with tenderness and care for yourself. Whether you’re keenly stepping into sweater weather, or deeply mourning Summer, Fall tends to be a season for shedding, processing, and nesting, in my experience.

I’ve been taking some time to contemplate all of the different sources of inspiration in my life. What I realized is that I am deeply inspired by my friends. How lucky I am! As a result, I would like to dedicate this blog post to highlight some of the amazing work they are doing.

Before doing so, I would like to take a moment to acknowledge the first annual National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, on September 30, in colonial Canada. This Federal statutory holiday was the 80th of 94 calls to action in the Truth and Reconciliation Commission which was published in 2015. It has taken our federal government six years to establish a day for honouring and commemorating Residential School Survivors, their families, and communities, and to acknowledge and raise awareness of the history and ongoing legacy of the Residential School System. I feel it’s important to remember that this has been a day of mourning for Indigenous communities for a long time, and has been commemorated as Orange Shirt Day since 2013.

I recently participated in a day-long sharing circle partially led by two women from Circles For Reconciliation and was humbled by the amount of learning and unlearning I still have ahead of me. As part of this day-long, we watched We Were Children, currently available on Amazon Prime, in their Indigenous Voices section, which has other noteworthy Indigenous movies.

Upcoming classes.

Durango Dharma Center Monday Night (online)
Monday, October 4, 7:30-8:15 pm ET

True North Insight BIPOC meditation class (online)
Monday, October 18, 7:15-8:15pm ET

Spirit Rock BIPOC Voices (online)
Sunday, October 24 12:00-1:30pm ET

Upcoming retreats.

Journey Into Refuge, Presence, and Love (in person)
Friday, November 19 - Sunday, November 28, 2021
Location: Spirit Rock Meditation Center (California)
Co-teaching with: Kittisaro, Thanissara, Yong Oh, Gullu Singh, Adam Stonebraker, and Djuna Devereaux

The Aware Heart: Cultivating Inner Refuge (online)
Saturday, March 12 - Sunday, March 13, 2022
Co-teaching with: Yong Oh
*MMTCP/Sounds True approved retreat


Ten Percent Happier app.

Part of my summer collaborations include a Fall challenge. It will be available to everyone in the app in November. Join the app now to make sure you don’t miss out! Stay tuned for my guest appearance on the TPH podcast, too.


Enjoy this 10-minute meditation, Good Grief, from my latest audio program 50 Meditations to Practice Awareness, Acceptance, and Peace, available for purchase here.

Dawned on me.

As a verb, dawn can mean "become clear" or “enter one's consciousness or emotions.” It’s in this spirit that I share with you some of the things that help me get clear in various ways. May it be the same for you, too.

Radical Friendship by Kate Johnson
My cherished roommate for so many retreats, Kate Johnson, came out with a book! It is a case for friendship as a radical practice of love, courage, and trust, and seven strategies that pave the way for profound social change.

We Were Made For These Times by Kaira Jewel Lingo
Another one of my Dhamma siblings, Kaira Jewel Lingo, is coming out with a book. Let's be real, these times are not getting easier. This book is bound to support us to navigate what the world keeps tossing at us.

Creativity Hacks with Jocelyn K. Glei
Like the women listed in this section, I think Jocelyn is just brilliant. Anything I come across from her, whether in her podcast, newsletter, or courses, leave me contemplating and reflecting for days in the best of ways. I wish the same for you!

Feminist Copywriting with Kelly Diels
Before I became a teacher, I used to be in marketing. I left that world because it was incredibly toxic on many levels. Despite, I still loved the idea of marketing, if done wholesomely. Kelly Diels is currently blowing my mind on this topic, writing about feminism in marketing, money and justice, and so much more.

Love & Kindness: BIPOC Metta Retreat with Pawan Bareja, Noliwe Alexander, Solwazi Johnson, Jeff Haozous, and Konda Mason
A retreat (happening October 4-8, 2021)on one of my favorite topics, taught by more folks I call siblings! I had the good fortune to be in training with all of these teachers for four years (as well as Kate and Kaira Jewel from above). This retreat will include Dharma talks, group discussions, silent sitting, and mindful walking periods.

À Lire.
Infuse Magazine, Édition Papier Volume 001
J'ai été une fière collaboratrice du magazine Infuse pendant des années et pourtant, dans mon désir de créer plus d'espace pour moi-même, ma pratique et mes études, je laisse tomber cette collaboration. Ma dernière contribution a été la soumission d'un article dans leur première édition imprimée ! Vous pouvez le commander et lire mon article, ainsi que d'autres merveilleuses contributions de la communauté du bien-être au Québec.

Audio programs.

Refresh or restart your meditation practice with one my audio meditation programs below.

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Good Grief


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