Small Changes, Big Rewards

Hello friend!

I’m curious, how do you approach change—incrementally, or are you someone who tends to dive in headfirst?

It’s something I’ve been reflecting on a lot recently as I realize my approach to change is … well … changing.

For most of my life, I went the route of grand overtures.

Like the time I watched *one of those* animal documentaries and decided to go vegan that very same day. Without having done any research, I consumed mostly bread, pasta, and rice and became so iron deficient I had to give it up, and only started again years later.

Or when I became a yoga teacher and immediately threw away all my leather goods and tried to shift my whole wardrobe to linen and hemp (kidding, not kidding).

Recently, I’m seeing the benefits in slowing down (have you detected a theme yet?). In moving the dial a little at a time, I allow myself to maintain awareness of how far I’ve come, even as I keep my gaze focused on where I’m headed.

It feels more compassionate, more patient, more spacious, and more sustainable.

So I wonder, how do you approach change? And has it changed, over the years? In the hopes of keeping the spirit of community alive, see what other folks had to say about their approaches to change. Click here to access the comment section on the original Substack post. This way, we can all learn from and relate to one another.

Thank you for reading and being part of this community. It means so much to me.

In the meantime, below are some items that have dawned on me*:

(*As a verb, dawn can mean "become clear" or “enter one's consciousness or emotions.” It’s in this spirit that I share with you some of the things that help me get clear in various ways. May it be the same for you, too.)

Life Kit: 22 Tips for 2022
A podcast that I’ve often found really supportive is Life Kit. Right now, they’re here to help you start — and continue — the year feeling refreshed, motivated and well cared-for.

6 tips to help you manage your day AND your anxiety when working from home
A lot of you know that anxiety is a frequent visitor of mine. Although I’m able to manage it generally speaking, I’m feeling some old tendencies creep up again. Part of it is related to wanting to “earn working from Mexico” (I’ve been here since December) or something along those lines. Revisiting this article that I came across last year helps me to regain perspective.

Link appreciation: Om & the City and

Sending love,
Dawn xo


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A Self-Love Note for You


January Reflections