Teacher Profiles: Devon and Craig Hase


I’ve yet to meet Craig IRL but have thus far communicated with him via Instagram (is there almost any other way these days? :p) He is sweet and lovely and witty. And if Devon loves him, my love for Devon has me loving him, too!

As for Devon, I met her at the end of one of my long retreats. I was coming out of 6 weeks of intensive practice while she was coming out of 3 months of intensive practice. One might think that we’d be in quiet and contemplative states after weeks and months of practice, but no! We vibed right away and got to chatting and laughing. She is my sister Unicorn in this tradition—just as extroverted as me!

Read on to learn what their practices look like and who their inspirations are.

What does a typical practice entail?

We love to practice in all kinds of ways. It might be a long stretching period in the morning followed by 30 minutes of breath meditation. Or it could look like a mindful check-in, where we both take turns sharing what's up for us right now and listening mindfully and heartfully to the other person. We also like doing Tibetan style practice with prostrations, chanting, mantras, and wild visualizations. We're a bit ecumenical in that sense, but find that these different techniques support and nourish each other.

Who are your major inspirations? Why?

Wow, so many! We love Mingyur Rinpoche because he is the real deal - he's been meditating since he was 7 years old and completed at least 15 years of deep retreat practice. He's also innovative and hip to culture and our particular moment in history. Joseph Goldstein is our favorite in many ways - so kind, generous, deep, and committed to supporting depth practice. Our two Lamas in Oregon, Pema and Yeshe, are also deep inspirations because they have impeccable integrity, commitment to their students, and embody humility in everything they do. Others include Eugene Cash (who models relational practice beautifully), DaRa Williams (such deep wisdom about the human family and how we can all live together skillfully), and Dawn Mauricio (radical dharma sibling and inspiring friend on the path :).

What are you practicing for?

We're practicing for the liberation and freedom of all beings everywhere. So long retreat is integral to us, as is engaging with folks exactly where they are at. We also believe in knowing what your values are and living with these through virtuous and ethically grounded relationships and practices. 

Where can we find you?

We're in Ashland, Oregon right now. We'll be zipping about the countryside in a #vanlife #hotmess book tour starting in April 2020. Best ways to stay in touch are through our website, on Facebook and Instagram.

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