Time is an elusive, slippery thing

I hope you’re finding moments of joy and peace at this apex of Summer.

Like most Summers, Time has become a bit of an elusive, slippery thing for me. Even with my semi-sabbatical and hiatus from social media, I sometimes find myself wondering where it goes.

As you know, I’ve been devoting myself to carving out space for rest, personal practice, and reconnecting to my roots and indigeneity. What I’m finding is that true self-care for me looks like fiercely protecting that time. As social plans increase and work opportunities pour in at a higher frequency, it takes a concerted effort to maintain the bits of space I’ve created while also letting myself return to the joys of connection and ambition.

My journey to slow down is forever evolving and I’m grateful to have this space to share it with you.

This month, I invite you to consider the power of choosing social and professional commitments that energize you and protecting your time from the ones that don’t. All of this, of course, is within the context of what is accessible to us within the systems under which we operate.


I’m very excited to join the group of skilled teachers on the Ten Percent Happier app. The much-appreciated “Loving Your Many Sides” meditation is my first contribution, with about ten more meditations on its way, as well an on-camera offering coming this Fall.


I’m punctuating my summer off-ish with the 3rd Annual True North Insight BIPOC Retreat this weekend.

Black, Indigenous, and People of Colour Retreat
Online, Saturday and Sunday August 7-8 10AM - 5 PM ET both days


Mighty Networks is a membership-based platform through which I am able to share guided practices, resources, and other teachings in a distraction free space with fellow curious practitioners of all levels. As a member, you have access to monthly meetups as well as a database of curated content meant to support and bring your practice to life. You are also supporting my ability to continue providing free content to the larger community.


As a verb, dawn can mean "become clear" or “enter one's consciousness or emotions.” It’s in this spirit that I share with you some of the things that help me get clear in various ways. May it be the same for you, too.

Spirit Rock’s Dedicated Practitioners’ Program
I graduated from DPP5 back in 2015 or so, and it was a life changing experience. Not only did I get to study with amazing teachers for 2 years at Spirit Rock, I met some of my closest friends in that program, and it set me on a path I would have never anticipated. Starting in April 2022, they are accepting applications now.

The Complete Guide to Deep Work
This actionable guide to Deep Work reframes the capitalistic idea of quantity-based productivity into something that encourages ease and peacefulness. My favourite finding: You won’t reach peak Deep Work unless you find time for R&R too.

Join the Movement.
Log Off: A Movement Dedicated to Rethinking Social Media by Teens for Teens
Log Off seeks to further dialogue about the multi-faceted nature of social media and promote healthy usage. The founders are passionate about lowering social media’s impact on mental health and promoting healthy ways to exist on social media. They use an array of mediums including a blog, podcast, and discussion group.

Have Some Fun.
Japan Day in the Life Series on YouTube
I’ve been loving watching this YouTube series about the day in a life of various people in Japan. The creator, Paolo, spends an entire day with different workers — a game programmer, a firefighter, a butcher, a ramen chef, a hotel staffer, and so on. He records them from the moment they wake in the morning until they go to bed at night. Each episode is about 15 minutes long.

How to Officially Break Up With Amazon Prime (It’s Hard, We Know!) by Henah Velez via The Good Trade

First, I’d like to recognize that there is privilege attached to being able to choose where we spend our dollars. With that, this article offers a digestible set of alternatives to supporting a conglomerate like Amazon which has such a negative impact on the environment, concerningly inhumane working conditions, and harm on small businesses.

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Creating space for whatever exists