Rest as Resistance (S4E9)
The truth is, awareness of the world can be exhausting. Being in a marginalized body or being an ally to marginalized bodies can leave our nervous systems fried. We need to rest in order to remain resourced to continue resisting the very systems that oppress us. Not to mention, that under a capitalistic and patriarchal society, resting itself is an act of rebellion and resistance! This meditation will guide you towards feeling and finding rest in your body.

Receiving Sound, Observing Self (S4E6)
Sound is an amazing tool for observing our natural reactions and inclinations. Noticing how we physically receive certain sounds, what happens in the body when we can't seem to find a sound after the meditation we are listening to told us to hear! This meditation will use sound and the sense of hearing as a portal to observing the self. It will sort of replace the more frequently used anchors like breath, etc. Give it a listen! See what comes up!

Returning Over and Over (S4E4)
One of the most common misconceptions I come across as a meditation teacher is the belief that you need to be able to empty your mind or stop it from wandering in order to meditate. The practice of meditation is a continual returning from wherever your mind wanders to. This meditation focuses on that very fundamental part of every practice: Returning. Over and over.