You Are What You Are Looking For (S4E7)
Whether it is peace, energy, love, kindness, understanding, or something else you are looking for, this meditation will help you find pieces of yourselves that already contain that which you are seeking. It's a practice in resourcing from within. Which isn't meant to eliminate the need for others, only to keep us feeling sturdy and in harmony with ourselves.

Leaning Into Support (S4E2)
In a highly individualistic society that celebrates independence, it can feel hard sometimes to accept and embrace support. But the truth is, there is massive strength and freedom in allowing loved ones and our communities to support us. This meditation will tune into the ways your body and mind are resisting support as a practice in leaning into it.

Tuning Into the Body’s Wisdom (S3E5)
Tuning into the embodied experience of a thing - a sound, a thought, a sensation - can give us important insight into how we are feeling at any given moment. This meditation will invite kindness in as we practice returning over and over again to the most present sensations in our body.