You Are What You Are Looking For (S4E7)
Whether it is peace, energy, love, kindness, understanding, or something else you are looking for, this meditation will help you find pieces of yourselves that already contain that which you are seeking. It's a practice in resourcing from within. Which isn't meant to eliminate the need for others, only to keep us feeling sturdy and in harmony with ourselves.

Self Diagnostics (S4E5)
Sometimes a simple check in is incredibly powerful. This meditation will guide you through a little self-diagnostics check, to notice what is present in you in a precise moment. Doubt? Agitation? Fatigue? Practice saying "I see you! It's all good!" before diving deeper. Removing judgement allows us to be honest with ourselves and those around us about what we're navigating in a given moment which can create space for compassion towards yourself and others.

Leaning Into Support (S4E2)
In a highly individualistic society that celebrates independence, it can feel hard sometimes to accept and embrace support. But the truth is, there is massive strength and freedom in allowing loved ones and our communities to support us. This meditation will tune into the ways your body and mind are resisting support as a practice in leaning into it.

Navigating Perfectionism (S4E1)
The body naturally wants to move towards balance. We don't really need to do anything about it. The mind however, often seeks perfection. This meditation will invite you to notice the way this mental tendency towards fixing and adjusting manifests in the body. The more we practice this, the more easily we can respond when we notice it happening in our day to day lives, slowly healing our perfectionist minds.