A more meaningful way to connect: Patreon


Note: Our community is no longer on Patreon, but we now provide even more exciting value and content on our Mighty Networks community. For more information, please visit our Membership page

Many of you know that I’m in a period of reclamation - my time, my attention, my wellbeing, my Filipinx identity, and more. One of the ways I’m reclaiming my power is by putting effort into non-algorithm based communities. I believe this can lead to more quality connection between you and me.

Enter Patreon. It’s a monthly membership community where I offer things like guided meditations not available elsewhere, host “challenges"and giveaways, journal prompts, reflection questions, other yet to be created stuff, where you can offer your input on my offerings, and more.

This is available on a sliding scale from $5 to $30. Please consider joining! As one of you said (Renee-Ann B), this is a way to put money directly into the hands of the folks whose work you appreciate instead of into the hands of big tech and third-party purchasers of your data.

In my mid-month Patreon update, you can expect:

  • Upcoming meditation audio program: new guided meditation from my yet-to-be-launched program, and survey on pricing and formats — you tell me how you’d like it packaged and what price you want to pay

  • Resources on Rest and Mindfulness of Tech that are feeding my soul

  • Beditations from first 2 weeks of April edited down to just the guided meditation portion

  • Journal or practice prompts to reveal what’s resting on your heart slightly more than a year into this pandemic

  • And more! (i.e. I am still adding to this list)

To some, my social media sabbatical may seem like a radical idea but what's really radical is thinking or believing that apps like Instagram or Facebook are necessary to wholly sustain relationships and businesses 🤯 As I’ve mentioned in various other shares, these apps may help, but we’ve been led to believe they are the only way. For a lot of us, being constantly connected is disconnecting us from the life around and within us.

I’ve now been off social media for a few weeks and thoroughly enjoying the time away 💫 I trust that we'll stay connected off these apps in ways that may be less frequent but of higher quality.

Patreon is one of the two main ways we can stay in touch, the other being my monthly newsletter.

Subscribe to my newsletter
Once a month, get resources and reflections about slowing down, purposeful living, and waking up right where you are.
Thank you for subscribing!

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