Exploring Pacific Asian Islander Heritage Month


Can we just take a moment and appreciate the young Leo in that photo above? That’s me, circa 1986, dressed in Filipino clothes for a family dance performance. I included a photo of the whole family below.

May is Asian and Pacific Islander Heritage month, and this is one of the first times I’m acknowledging and honouring it in a real way. Now, more than ever, it has a really different feel for me.

Having taken space to go deeper into my own practice, I’ve found myself fostering a deeper connection to my own roots. I feel a protectiveness arising around all of the anti-Asian violence, and the rhetoric around the pandemic has made me feel more acutely aware of my Asian identity.


Witnessing relatives ageing is also playing a part in my deeper recognition of the meaning behind this month. Acknowledging and honouring what immigrant Asian parents had to do for the next generation, along with frustration about how many of our traditions and beliefs are so easily appropriated by the western world.

With that, I’m wishing all of my fellow Asian and Pacific Islander friends a happy API Heritage month, and extending an invitation to all of you to dive into some of the resources below and deepen your awareness of the Asian experience.

P.S. If you have 15-20 minutes to spare, please do fill in this anonymous survey which is part of the research being conducted by Sarah Pux, a Masters student in Psychology currently writing her thesis about the cognitive and emotional effects of meditation and mindfulness.

Dawned on Me/You/Us

As a verb, dawn can mean "become clear" or “enter one's consciousness or emotions.” It’s in this spirit that I share with you some of the things that help me get clear in various ways. May it be the same for you, too.

5 Truths I Learned About my Mental Health as a Filipino by Mikaela Lucido
Growing up in a different time and place and culture as my parents sometimes makes communicating about certain things challenging. Any internalized shame can also prevent me (or others like me) from speaking about it or seeking help. Read this article on one Filipina's journey.

Amber Ruffin: How Did we Get Here?
Watch this segment to learn about the roots of anti-Asian racism in America.

How the Philippines’ Kandama Collective Celebrates Ifugao Heritage Through Fashion by Isabela Quito Villanoy
Want to show cultural appreciation by purchasing textiles of different cultures? Towards the end of this article, Ifugao fashion designer Victor Baguilat Jr. talks about what consumers should know when purchasing Indigenous garments.

We Are Not a Stereotype: Breaking Down Asian Pacific American Bias

What does it mean to be Asian Pacific American? Who is Asian Pacific American? What are the impacts of Asian Pacific American stereotypes? This is a video series for classroom teachers and caregivers who teach.

Children of Asian Immigrants Reveal Sacrifices Their Parents Made
Get the tissues out! In this video, Asians growing up in the United States of America challenge stereotypes about immigration, Asian culture, identity, regrets, hard work, and some even cry.

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