My joy, your joy, our joy!


Wow, what. a. summer! I got married, I turned 40, and the print edition of Mindfulness Meditation for Beginners is now out in the world!

I’ve been so touched with how much you shared in my joy, expressing it via comments, emails, DMs, and text messages, from folks I am in regular contact with to others whom I haven’t spoken to since elementary school! Taking in all your words deepened my understanding of the third brahmavihara, or heart quality, sympathetic joy. Often considered the hardest heart quality to cultivate, it is defined as a pure joy untainted by self-interest. When sympathetic joy is shared, it doesn’t expand the amount of joy in our hearts or the world by two; the amount of joy is expanded exponentially. Until now, I had only felt that on a smaller scale, but thanks to you, I got to bask in it more than I ever have.

After taking the summer largely off from teaching, I’m excited to jump back into it. Within this blogpost you can find my upcoming online offerings and below that you’ll find a list of a few things currently lighting me up, including a free course from the University of Alberta on Indigenous Canada.


Many of you have asked how you can support me beyond buying your own copy of the book. One way you can really make an impact is to write an honest review of the book on Amazon as they help people who are on the fence decide if this book is right for them. I’m so grateful to already have 16 reviews on, and can you believe — they’re not even all from people I know!


Join me for the following multi-day or multi-week explorations of mindfulness or Buddhist teachings.

12 Days of Mindfulness
September 21 - October 2 8:15-9:00 AM ET on weekdays

6-weeks of Dharma: The Four Noble Truths
Wednesdays September 9 - October 21 6:30-8:30 PM ET

6-weeks of Dharma: The Three Characteristics
Wednesdays November 4 - December 9 6:30-8:30 PM ET

Online retreats offer a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in intensive meditation practice from the comfort of your home, helping you seamlessly weave practice and home life together.

Opening to the Sacred with Yong Oh
September 12-13

Awakening the Heart of Wisdom with Celeste Young
October 2-8

IMCW Fall Weeklong Retreat with Tara Brach, Jonathan Foust, La Sarmiento, and Leslie Booker
October 23-30

My regular public offerings this Fall include my twice weekly Beditations and monthly contribution to the True North Insight weekly BIPOC group.

Beditation on Instagram Live
Tuesdays and Thursdays 7:30 AM EDT
A 15-minute guided meditation from my bed to yours!

Mondays 7:15-8:15 PM ET
*Although this sangha gathers weekly, I’m leading on Mondays Aug. 31, Sept. 21, Nov. 9 and Dec. 7


Here are just a few of the many things lighting me up these days. May it be so for you as well.

Dear Ijeawele or A Feminist Manifesto in Fifteen Suggestions
This 80-page read is a must for all genders, namely parents.

Michelle Obama’s Netflix special Becoming
There are so many inspiring gems in this. My favorite: ”We can’t afford to wait for the world to be equal to start feeling seen.”

Sebene Selassie: The Delusion of Separation
One of my favorite people getting interviewed on one of my favorite podcasts, Hurry Slowly. Plus: Sebene’s book You Belong comes out today!

University of Alberta’s Indigenous Canada FREE online course
This course explores key issues facing Indigenous peoples today from a historical and critical perspective highlighting national and local Indigenous-settler relations. A must for all Canadians IMO.

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September Feels


The Big Day