Shedding Light on Your Values

Dawned on me.

As a verb, dawn can mean "become clear" or “enter one's consciousness or emotions.” It’s in this spirit that I share with you some of the things that help me get clear in various ways. May it be the same for you, too.

Journal Prompts For Every Emotion You Might Be Feeling Right Now
This simple yet impactful offering begins with the question: How are you really?
I hope it can be as supportive and clarifying for you as it was for me.

Make a Note When You Surprise Yourself
There is a quote in the book Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman that goes: “You are more likely to learn something by finding surprises in your own behaviour than by hearing surprising facts about people in general.” I really love this, and feel like it connects to the theme of exploring what it is I am valuing.

Take In.

"The struggle has always been inner, and is played out in outer terrains. Awareness of our situation must come before inner changes, which in turn come before changes in society. Nothing happens in the "real" world unless it first happens in the images in our heads."

- Gloria Anzaldua, an American scholar of Chicana cultural theory, feminist theory, and queer theory


I’m caught yet again in an unhealthy cycle of news addiction. Although I believe in the importance of being in the know, I recognize I need to scale back. While I’m not quite “there” yet, practicing meditations that help increase embodiment can be really supportive. May this short and simple 5-minute meditation, Coming Home to Your Body, support you, too.

Practice Now


Inspired by Mindful Moments’ newsletter I shared in my earlier March newsletter, here is this month’s prompt:

Based on how I currently spend my time and resources, what have I been valuing? 

Link appreciation: The Good Trade and Recomendo.


What is Enough?


Who Do You Expect To Be When You Get There?