January Reflections

Dawned on me.

As a verb, dawn can mean "become clear" or “enter one's consciousness or emotions.” It’s in this spirit that I share with you some of the things that help me get clear in various ways. May it be the same for you, too.

🧐 Choose.
How to Choose Your Own “Word Of The Year”
Some of you have shared with me that choosing a word for the year isn’t so easy. This resource fleshes out the process of doing so a little more, and talks about how you may use your word throughout the year. May it be so!

🤓 Read.
Ditch the Digital Notes
This article by Arianne Cohen for Fast Company explores a new study that shows that writing things down by hand can be more helpful in committing things to memory. Although I’m a little out of practice, this was my way of “studying” in university — I would spend hours in the library rewriting notes or excerpts from texts before exams.

Take In.

“We have bodies so that we can engage life. We need our bodies to experience our hearts and minds. Most of us will not transcend them until death. If the body can withstand the arising and ceasing of pain and suffering, there is no need to transcend it. We need to transcend instead, our belief that spirituality does not include the body.”

- Zenju Earthlyn Manuel


Enjoy this 7-minute meditation, Broaden Your Comfort Zone, from my latest audio program 50 Meditations to Practice Awareness, Acceptance, and Peace, available for purchase here. This meditation can help you navigate whatever comes your way despite the accompanying discomfort.


If you were to write a letter to those that have healed you and held you in this past year, what would it say? Feel free to take pen to paper or type it out if you feel inspired.


Link appreciation: Jocelyn Glei, The Good Trade and Center for Babaylan Studies.


Small Changes, Big Rewards


New Year, Same Me