New Year, Same Me

Happy New Year, friend!

How are you entering this next chapter? I try not to assign too much significance to the change in the Gregorian calendar year, but I do enjoy the little boost in inspiration and motivation I feel.

Last year, I embarked on my first semi-sabbatical—an endeavour that allowed me space to work on decolonizing and re-indigenizing myself and my life. As a result, my semi-sabbatical has evolved into a general approach to life rather than something temporary. I’m grateful for the financial privilege that allows me to take this step and hopeful that I can devote some of my work in ways that are supportive to others who value intentional and purposeful living, decolonizing and re-indigenizing.

A few little things that are shifting this year:

  • I’m increasing the frequency of my newsletters from once to twice monthly, with the hope of eventually sending them out weekly. They’ll be more bite-sized as a way to respect your time (and encourage less screen time).

  • The first newsletter of the month will include my monthly reflection, upcoming events, and some resources. The second newsletter of the month will have resources, writing prompts, and other things to inspire reflection and slowing down.

  • I’m changing newsletter providers so I may end up in Spam from time to time (but I hope not).

  • You may also see little flickers of me on Instagram again, though I hope to keep a fairly distant relationship with the app.

  • Finally, I’ve fully redesigned my website with the generous support of my hubby and colleague, François 🥰

Thank you for being part of this community. It means so much to me and inspires me regularly.

Dawn xo

In the meantime, below are some items that have dawned on me*:

(*As a verb, dawn can mean "become clear" or “enter one's consciousness or emotions.” It’s in this spirit that I share with you some of the things that help me get clear in various ways. May it be the same for you, too.)

🎨 Try.
99 Hobbies You Might Consider Picking Up In 2022
Since late last year, my boo made it a point to get increasingly embodied, and so has been trying his hand at activities that don’t rely on a screen. I’ve watched him cast a wide net and choose based on what feels good while also connecting him more deeply to his creativity and intuition. It’s been so inspiring to witness that I want to join him on this journey. If you want in for yourself, this list might help you get started.

🤓 Read.
Separate Wellness from Worth, from Girls Night In
During a time when wellness is being marketed to us constantly – mostly by reminding us how unwell we are – it can be difficult to separate who we are and how valuable we are (you are very valuable) from how we are feeling physically, especially if coping with a chronic illness. Give this a read if you’re feeling like you aren’t doing enough, especially the bit about reimagining rest.

P.S. If you feel called to, you can support my work by subscribing to my newsletter (below), becoming a community member, sharing my Spotify podcast with a friend or two, and/or rating and reviewing my podcast on Apple Podcasts.

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January Reflections


Broaden Your Comfort Zone